Wednesday, November 30, 2011

[NaNo 2011] Day 30 / Last Day

It's coming down to the wire for NaNoWriMo 2011. Even though I hit the 50K-word count mark a few days ago, I'm still trying to treat this as a hit-quota-per-day adventure as I move into the second arc of the story. There's a bit of catch-up characterization for the main protagonists, here, since I'm jumping forward some in time, both for them and their romance.

Right now, LibreOffice says I'm at 53,834 words, while the NaNo word count validator says I'm at 52,357; there's a discrepancy there because of the way that LibreOffice sees curly-cue quotes (and I have a lot of sympathy for writers with more dialogue than I do, who were confused by that discrepancy!), but I'm pleased with where things are headed, now.

I'm taking a little bit of time to let my protagonists have some happiness before I drop them into the next big conflict...but that is coming, and soon. I think I'll keep this 'blog through my progress, even if it's not daily updates, because it's interesting to look back and see how far I've come with this story.

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