Monday, November 28, 2011

[NaNo 2011] Day 28

Apparently, the NaNo novel validator does not like the way that LibreOffice does its word count, so while LO tells me I'm above the 50K mark, NaNo is telling me that I've still got about 500 words to go. That's fine, though; I'm not quite at the end of Chapter 6 as of this writing (though I'm really, really close).

This first arc has been a real joy of an experience for me to write. I feel like I've come to know Ross, Amber, Neville and the rest in the last twenty-eight days just as well as I got to know Chie and her friends over the course of nearly three years. Their voices - however conflicted they might sometimes be - are so clear in my head (and on my page) that I shouldn't be surprised at how easily they often flow from my brain to my fingertips.

I really want to see this one through to the end, which is one reason why I'm seriously considering making December Finish Novel Writing Month, or - perhaps more directly accurate - Finishing Fearless Writing Month. (FiNoWriMo? FiFeWriMo? I'll have to work on that!) I feel like I owe it to these sweethearts, though. And I want to keep building their world around them, if that includes the original outline or not. They just feel that special to me.

Here's to another successful day of writing...and, just maybe, validation!

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