Thursday, November 24, 2011

[NaNo 2011] Day 24

It is Thanksgiving Day here in the US, and I'm supremely thankful for many things (my family, my health, my loved ones here and overseas), but - at the moment - I'm most thankful for my husband and my girls, who allow me to get up early in the morning (and stay up late at night) just writing, without any expectations on my time or attention. When I want to write, they let me write, and I'm very thankful and grateful for that.

In NaNo news, yesterday saw the (fourth attempt) at the end of Chapter 5 (Of Princes or Devils). It's also the attempt that worked the very best to my satisfaction.

I know that NaNo is about "writing with abandon" ... but I can't allow myself to write just any old crap simply to get the word count up. I want to tell a good story, and so the end scene of Chapter 5 gave me a lot of trouble. I wrote it at least three times - never to my own expectations (or, seemingly, to Ross's and Amber's, since they kept demanding I go back and change things) - and struggled with flow of actions and motivations. I did finally get it to a wonderful point of completion, though (again, four drafts in). It's a lovely if painful moment for my would-be lovers, and it (hopefully) bridges nicely the end of the NaNo novella experience and the beginning of the second arc that will carry it through to full-fledged novel.

Working on Chapter 6 right now, which is feeling so much better with the latest write-through of the end of Chapter 5. This should put me over the 50K mark. Also, as I mentioned, it should finish up the first arc of the story.

I think I'll put these first six chapters out for proofreading once I'm done and working steadily on Arc II. So, if you're interested in a read-through, let me know.

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