Sunday, November 6, 2011

[NaNo 2011] Day 06

Had a bit of a stumbling block yesterday, but I managed to push my way through it, and even before midnight, so the progress counted toward Day 5!

If you're wondering, here's a snapshot of my progress so far for Day 6. I managed to make it past the 10K mark very, very early this morning, and I was so pleased when I did. :) I am still currently ahead of quota, which always makes me feel better, and I hope to get even deeper into the story before I have to stop and make dinner (and eat) tonight.

When I first started this story, I did miss writing some of my other stories and characters, especially the ones for whose lives I'd been leading for the last few years. But Ross and Amber have really grown on me these past few days, not the least for the fun interactions they've got:

While she changed, Ross set himself to the task of looking for a small-sized women's wetsuit among the rental stock. But with every passing second, he kept glancing over his shoulder toward the gently rustling curtain, behind which he couldn't stop reminding himself that Amber was getting progressively more naked.

He could see her feet move beneath the curtain's edge, stepping free one at a time of first her shoes and then her ankle socks. A pause, and then there was the shift of her feet as he imagined her shimmying from her skirt; he saw her step free from the olive green clothes a moment later. And then he actually stopped and stared as she did that same little shift of her feet again, followed by a fall of light yellow pants that looked far more precious than any he'd ever seen before.

It's always great fun to write a noble hero as I've done before...but there's also something so supremely delightful about writing a regular jock, too.

If you're busily writing, I wish you the best of luck with your ebb and flow!

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