Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Read Fearless, Chapter 1

For anyone interested, the teaser and first chapter for Fearless is up at
I've enabled anonymous reviews for this particular story, since not everyone out there probably has an account with FictionPress (even though it's free), and it would be great to get some feedback.

I'm not certain how many chapters I'll be posting, since the story is still in a draft phase, but since a few people expressed interest, I thought I would at least give them the chance.

I'm not expecting a lot of response, though. First, because it's difficult to grab a reader with a 250-character summary for a story that is already over 110,000 words long. Second, because...well, because I've realised that talk is cheap, and even if someone says they support me and they'll read my stuff, I have yet to find any actual person who lives up to their words. (Cue cynicism; I'm more like Ross than I sometimes like to admit.)

Anyhow, the first chapter is available to read, so at least I have someplace I can send anyone who claims to be a supporter.

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