Monday, January 16, 2012

Fearless [Arc II] Day 50 (Julian is Trouble)

I probably introduced one of the newer characters - Julian Tufts - a few weeks ago, but he's been some amount of trouble. Not the character, himself, but the way that he interacts with the others, especially Ross, who's already in an unfamiliar and unsettling position with Amber. Add to that Julian's presence, and his interactions with Amber, and writing what is supposed to be a genuinely good guy who really does have the best intentions becomes tricky. Still, he's a neat character to have.

He fills Neville's shoes, in some ways, being something of the local superstar. But since Ross doesn't know him all that well, Julian still stays somewhat aloof. Which is good in some ways, but then difficult for storytelling purposes in others.

I'm also finding that Venus is stepping up, too. That's a development I really didn't foresee when I pulled her character together. But the fact that she's a woman who is close to Ross without being an intimate of his (unlike some other female characters) gives her a very interesting perspective on him. And it doesn't hurt that she's a nurse, so she can be both friend and confidante as well as adviser. Which is kind of important, at this point in the story.

Ah, but I love this one! I really want to share it with other people, and I can't wait to do so. But first, the story has to be complete. :)

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