Wednesday, December 28, 2011

[Fearless Arc II] Day 28/29

Chapter 12 had not been working for me. There were too many issues being brought up, and there was no cohesive thematic element to tie everything together. I'm a firm believer in unifying events of a chapter around a about two days' worth of hemmed and hawed text had to go.

As these things tend to do, though, it's already working better, even though I'm only on the second page of the chapter, whereas I had been around the seventh. Such is life (and writing), though, and I think these changes are making the story flow much better, now.

32907 / 50000 words. 66% done!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

[Fearless Arc II] Day 25 - Christmas Day

It's been difficult making these latest chapters (and wordcount!) work. There's so much detail to review, and a gamut of emotions to cover. Still, it's coming together. Perhaps not so quickly or smoothly as I may have hoped, but solidly. And I think that's more important than either speed or ease.

It's Christmas here, today...and it's also Christmas for Ross and Amber, though their Christmas is decidedly less homey and relaxing than the one I get to enjoy.

It's always an interesting development when the world for which I'm writing is in the same time of year as the one currently around me. Often, I'm writing summer for winter or vice versa. Nothing all that surprising, given that the written world is one which the writer controls, while the world in which we live happens day to day, but when the synchronicity of season occurs, it's still rather neat.

31548 / 50000 words. 63% done!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

[Fearless Arc II] Day 13

This is absolutely the most difficult chapter I've had to write, so far.

Because it just hurts me to hurt these characters, so.

16063 / 50000 words. 32% done!

Friday, December 9, 2011

[Fearless Arc II] Day 9

One thing I enjoy about writing relationship (romance) fiction, is that I get to incorporate actual conversations I've had, that tickle me to this day.

The time came when the swells started to shift with the onshore winds, making them pack up their boards and gear and head in for the evening. Amber went back to the house on Albion Street for a spell of a few hours, but she returned near closing time, with some tasty takeaway and her rucksack of fresh clothes slung over one shoulder, greeting Ross again at the door with her perky smile and soft kiss.

Neville joined them upstairs in the flat for curry and the Danish crime drama that had captured their attentions over the last several weeks, during which Amber curled herself close under Ross's arm, sucking thoughtfully on the last of the pulpy mangoes they had for dessert, while the guys sat quietly engrossed in the subtitles.

“Those two are totally going to do it,” Ross interjected during the closing scene of the episode, nodding toward the screen.

Beside him, Amber broke into light giggling. “I know!” she said, tumbling gleefully against his chest; without the onscreen drama and tension, she turned lively and lighthearted once more. “I was going to say the same thing.”

Sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, Neville craned his head around to look at Ross. “Why does everything with you have to be about sex?” he drawled with a snicker.

“It doesn't,” Ross told him. Then he gestured toward the screen again. “But they've got chemistry! I mean, look at them. You can see that she wants him.”

Amber poked him in the chest. “He wants her, you mean!” she said. “He can't trust his old lover anymore, not after she planted that evidence. But he can trust this woman. And you can tell that he really wants to trust her; you know, he wants someone he can believe in, someone he knows is honest and worthwhile.” She bobbed her head knowingly. “That is prime romance material, right there.”

Indeed, it is, Amber love. Indeed, it is.

10304 / 50000 words. 21% done!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

[Fearless Arc II] Day 6

Today, I wrote the introduction of Susanna.

She's a difficult character for me to consider, especially from Ross's point of view. On the one hand, she needs to be someone for whom he at one time would have felt lust and desire and a naive simulation of young love. On the other, she represents everything that he doesn't like about himself, and all of his fear for the future. I don't want to slight her; I don't want to make her a caricature...but I don't think this is yet the time for her to become real and rounded, for him.

Plus, the guys - especially Neville - tend to protect him, still. Perhaps that's something to consider as this conflict builds....

9112 / 50000 words. 18% done!

Monday, December 5, 2011

[Fearless Arc II] Day 5

It's been harder to keep up the pace with this arc than it was with the first one. I think because I had the NaNo-meter to keep me abreast of where I was, and there was a lot of excitement going on about the month, in general. Now, things have cooled down a bit. (And I've cooled a bit, too. Enjoying more mornings/evenings snuggled beneath a blanket, rather than perched at my writing desk.)

But I did manage to make some major headway in the last few days. Not as prolific as I'd been for the first few days of NaNo, but I think that things are pulling together nicely nevertheless. I was even asked by my first reader for a draft! :D (Always nice when someone asks for that, with sincere interest.)

The one issue I'm finding is that I don't have much interest in going back and reading fan fiction stuff, lately. Not just my own for editing and posting, but other people's, as well. I just really want to concentrate on Ross and Amber's story, right now, that the thought of reading anything else that does not take place in their world kind of bores me. Gosh, that sounds terrible, and terribly selfish, since the folks whose stuff I should be reading were very supportive of me all through my writing of 1 More Chance!.

But I think I have to be a writer first, and a reader second, in this case.

7736 / 50000 words. 15% done!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

[Fearless Arc II] Day 1

Continuing the saga of my novella-turned-novel, with a new challenge of words-per-day and progress bar. I figure that if I can write the first arc of the story in about 50,000 words, I should be able to write the second arc in a similar way (it's really not all that complicated).

Here's to the challenge!

Fearless Arc II Progress:

513 / 50000 words. 1% done!
